Although I try to cut as much plastic from my existence as possible, it still does creep in here and there. No one is perfect, we are all doing our best and working toward being even better.

One area I'm working on is the vitamins and supplements I take. I know there is some controversy around vitamins and supplements but due to the various health issues I've experienced throughout my life, I continue to take them in an attempt to stay as healthy as possible for as long as possible.
Tragically, many of these products come in plastic. I've discovered two brands that I'm very excited about- Truvani and Healthforce Super Foods.
These companies only use organic, non-gmo and vegan whole foods for their vitamins and supplements. And, as a huge added bonus, they come in gorgeous, amber glass bottles.
I take Truvani's Glorious Gut, Immune Support and plant-based Omega-3s. I've been taking Omega-3s for years and only after recently watching the documentary, Mission Blue, about the marine biologist Sylvia Earle, did I realize how the fish-oils in Omegas-3 supplements are contributing to the issue of over-fishing in our oceans (I highly recommend this documentary. It's informative, tragic and beautiful all at the same time. It can be found on Netflix). As Sylvia Earle mentions, the fish get Omega-3s from the algae they eat so why not just eat the algae for the Omega-3s and save the fish? Truvani makes this easy to do. I took this from their website:

Healthforce Super Foods offers many outstanding products but my favorites are Vitamineral Green and their MycoForce blend. I mix Vitamineral Green in a glass of water with lemon juice and apple cider vinegar and chug that down first thing every morning to rehydrate and cleanse after a long night's sleep.

I've been reading a lot about the beneficial properties of mushrooms but I've been having difficulty finding a mushroom blend that is organic and comes in glass. I was extremely happy to find MycoForce, which offers a blend of shiitake, maitake, reishi, cordyceps, and lion’s mane, with wildcrafted wood-grown chaga all in a beautiful amber glass bottle. I add this to my cup of coffee with a dash of nutmeg and cinnamon and tell myself that even though I should be drinking green tea (coffee depletes my adrenal glands because I always drink too much of it!! Yes, I have a problem) at least I'm giving my body a lot of nutrients.
Would love to hear about your favorite products! As always, thanks for reading.