Since moving into our new place, Chuck and I have been receiving copious amounts of unwanted mail- mostly in the form of home repair or home decorating catalogs. Blah!

As someone who constantly works on not bringing any unnecessary trash into her life, this stream of what is essentially garbage (because come on, if I’m interested in a product, I will just research it online) that arrives at our mailbox on a seemingly daily basis is driving me nuts.
Luckily, there are some actions you can take to remove yourself from these mailing lists:
-All Direct Mail: General: here and/or here (you will need to pay $2 for this service but it lasts ten years)
-Catalogs: here (you can also call the company directly and request to be taken off their mailing list or go to their website to see if they have an opt-out option. I often do this and it is really effective albeit time-consuming)
-Spectrum mailers: here
-Verizon print mail: send an email here:
-Yellow Pages: here
-Supermarket Coupons And Flyers: here
-Bank, Credit Card & Insurance Offers: here
-Previous Tenant Mail: please write "does not live here" and leave in your mailbox or clipped to it
I definitely have my work cutout for me as this picture below represents about three weeks worth of catalogs and doesn't include a bunch of flyers and coupons:

So crazy. Do you have any tips to add? Please hit me up and let me know!