I know that not everyone has access to bulk stores and that they are much harder to come by now since the lockdown. Here are some tips for shopping as waste-less as possible at conventional grocery stores.

(Note: Some brands found in conventional grocery stores are not ethical or sustainable and I did not do research on any of the brands featured in the photos in this post. The focus is more on simple and easy ways to be as Zero Waste as possible when you can't go to a bulk store.)
1) Buy in Glass When Possible - pick the item that comes in glass whenever you have the option. Glass is easily recycled or upcycled.

2) Buy Aluminum When Possible - does your favorite soda comes in a plastic bottle but also in aluminum cans? Pick the cans. Aluminum is the easiest material to recycle and can be recycled endlessly.

3) Skip the Plastic Produce Bags - bring your own cloth ones to use or place produce directly in the basket or cart.

4) Buy Organic if You Can't Buy Plastic-free - an organic option is always a more sustainable option than conventional farming as organic farming keeps harmful pesticides out of our soil and groundwater. Organic also limits the exposure of these harmful chemicals to farm workers, your loved ones, and you.

5) Bring Your Reusable Grocery Bag - skip the plastic and paper bags and bring your own. Save a fish and save a tree.
Do you have any other tips to share? Thanks for reading!