The world feels like it's been turned upside down and stripped back down to the basics in a lot of ways. During these uncertain times, I've found myself, like many of you, turning to simple comforts - like fresh mint tea. Even the dog can get on board with it.

Mint is such a wonderful herb and one that likes to dominate any place it's planted (I can relate). When I was living in an apartment, I grew mint in a pot on my patio. Growing your own herbs saves a lot of money and a lot of waste as the tiny bundles they sell at grocery stores are always overpriced and usually come in small plastic clamshells. So, even if you're living in an apartment, I recommend growing a few basic herbs, like mint, in pots wherever you have room and sunlight.

We were lucky to move into a place with a tiny plot of earth out back to garden with already some established herbs - mint being one of them. After the rains this year, it's been slowly taking over as it often does. In an effort to curb it (because I'd still like to plant some vegetables this year to have other things to eat besides just mint) and to calm my nerves, I've been drinking Moroccan style mint tea.

Traditional Moroccan Mint Tea is a sign of hospitality, friendship, and tradition. When you visit a family member or friend in Morocco, you are always served mint tea. Moroccan Mint Tea also has green tea in it and a lot of sugar but since I've been drinking this tea in the evenings, I've been leaving those ingredients out.

To make your own, cut a handful of fresh mint, wash it, place it in a mug, pour boiling water over it, and let it steep for a few minutes. I like to macerate the mint with a muddler or spoon to release some of the oils first before adding hot water. If you would like to drink the traditional style Moroccan Mint Tea, brew green tea (usually Gunpowder Green Tea), add mint leaves after a few minutes of steeping and then sugar to taste.

Mint is so soothing and is great for digestion. Compost the mint when you are finished with your tea.

Stay safe and healthy, my friends!