I don't know about you, but we've been going out to eat more often now that the lockdown has eased up a bit. The restaurants we like to support are independently owned and I like to think that we are helping families out while getting a much needed break from cooking and being at home.

I always forget about how big the portions are in the United States and time and time again I mentally kick myself for not bringing a to-go ware container when I can't finish my meal. Then I go back and forth mentally about which is worse: waste food (and everything that went into producing it) and have it decompose anaerobically thus creating emissions that contribute to the climate crisis or take the food home in a plastic to-go box, and don't waste the food, but then have another piece of trash that will be around for forever. Ugh.
Remember, if food waste were a country, it would be the third biggest emitter of greenhouse gases:

Lately, I've been getting creative out of necessity. Depending on the food, I wrap the leftovers in saved napkins I stash in my purse and put them in a reusable grocery bag that I always carry around with me. I've even used my to-go coffee cup in a pinch. The truth is, I just need to get into the habit are grabbing a container and putting it in my purse or keeping a container in the car at all times.
What are my go-to to-go containers?
The Ever Classic Mason Jar- this basic little jar is really handy. It's great for beverages both hot (just be careful) and cold, carrying snacks, and of course, for taking home your restaurant leftovers. I always take one of these with me when I travel because they are multifunctional:

The Super Light Weight Metal Tiffin- one of my favorite things about metal tiffins is they are easy to carry around because they weigh practically nothing. An added bonus is the lid that can double as a plate:

And Pyrex Glass Snap-On Containers- we store most of our leftovers from home in these glass containers, which are also great for freezing food thus preserving it even longer. Yes, the lids are plastic but there are bamboo options out there. I've had this set for years and so far they have held up. They even withstand the Morgan Drops Things on the Floor All the Time Test. They are heavy, though, so something to think about if you're going out to a restaurant:

Even reusing a standard to-go container you already have from a previous restaurant would work as well. Just wash it and reuse again and again.
All of these tips are great for Thanksgiving leftovers as well!
On a side note, I have noticed a lot of places are now using plastic utensils due to COVID. My guess is they think it's more sanitary or it's just plain easier for them to use disposables. This breaks my heart but the best I can do about it is either eat somewhere else or continue to carry my trusty bamboo fork with me and refuse the plastic. It is my hope that soon restaurants will go back to using reusables especially since most of them still have all of their metal silverware and the means to clean them.
Thanks for reading!