Why All The Fuss?
Hi, my name is Morgan. I am an artist living in Los Angeles and I care about planet Earth. To quote Carl Sagan, “On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives,” which makes it pretty important to me.
Our health is directly linked to our planet’s. Even though I was raised on organic food and being a conscious consumer, I got desperately ill at the age of 17, which, due to our current health care system, I was unable to fix until five years later. Then I got sick almost immediately again that resulted in another surgery, I was healthy for a while, and then I had to have surgery again two years ago for the same problem. I discovered that my health issues were linked to endocrine disrupters. Throughout this whole process I began to cut out GMOs, chemicals in my cleaning and beauty products, beef and diary. I am now in the process of eliminating plastics after learning about the grave effects they have on our endocrine systems. Furthermore, they are polluting our land and oceans at an alarming rate.
Join me on being an Everyday Activist as we support companies who are doing good, while voting with our dollars against those are poisoning us and our planet. I started this blog so I can share all of my favorite things and tips to all of the people I encounter and start talking about reducing plastics and how all of these topics intersect. Living a Zero Waste lifestyle makes living simpler and eating clean easy!